Rental Prices
CRAAPS is here to support and service the active sailing community in and around -
Kaløvig, Aarhus, Sailing Aarhus and Aarhus International Sailing Center.
Essentially, our Rib charter service is created to make it easier and cheaper for members of the sailing community to participate in sailing events in the Aarhus area.
Instead of everyone bringing their own Coach Rib - sometimes driving hundreds of kilometers - to attend an event in Aarhus, Coach Rib Aarhus offers a local alternative. CRAAPS rates are negotiated and agreed on individual basis depending on season and depending of duration of the charter. We wish to offer chartering rates that are competitive to any alternative that you may have. Please fill in the contact form, specifying who you are, which event you are attending in Aarhus / the purpose of your charter, the dates / times suggested and we will contact you with an offer.
Trusted friends and returning customers from the active Aarhus-area sailing community are offered discounted rates, of course, so please keep coming back to us.